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Top Website Trends & Features for 2021

Written by Fuelius | Jan 7, 2021 11:06:00 AM

We’ve put together a guide to the top website trends and features that will continue to grow and develop during 2021, read more...

We’ve been in the digital age for a few decades now and with each passing year it seems there’s a continual evolution to digital transformation that your business should be following. 

That’s why we’ve put together this guide to the top website trends and features that will continue to grow and develop during 2021.

Parallax scroll animations

Parallax scroll animation simply refers to objects that are closer and seem to move faster than objects that are perceived to be further away. An example of this would be Louie Sellers website where he utilises this method to showcase his online portfolio for web designs. Moving your mouse over the white outlined icons immediately lights up and reveals the project, whilst simply scrolling down the page opens and closes the pen icon which displays his brand.

Animation has slowly taken the world by storm. Even the simplest of animations can turn your ordinary image into an interactive and highly appealing creative. It encourages users to stay on your page to discover other visuals you’ve used and is an excellent way to invite them into the conversation.

Dark mode

You’ve probably experienced it many times before. Those moments when the room is dull, you open up a web page and are momentarily blinded by the intense brightness. Many of us have opted for enabling dark mode on our mobile phones to fix this and implementing Google Chrome plug-ins like “Dark mode”.

However the future of website design could see the incorporation of dark mode on the page itself, giving you the option to switch between light and dark mode depending on your preference.




Source: GIPHY

Recent years have shown emojis incorporate themselves into many of our content marketing strategies, most popular with the likes of email and social media. As of September 2020, there were a total of 3,521 emojis available and it has been estimated that more than 5 billion emojis are used every day on Facebook

2021 is likely to be the start of businesses utilising the emoji trend to their advantage by incorporating it into their website. It’s a simple but effective way to include more visuals into your website content and helps to break that language barrier when you’re a global company.

Video, video, video

So no – video isn’t new for 2021 and this probably goes without saying, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown forcing companies around the globe to work from home, video has become an even more important tool for marketers to wield. 

Video conferencing through websites like Zoom, Slack and Microsoft Teams have become the new normal. Many businesses have found they can function as well in this new way of working as they would have done in an office environment. 

So with everyone feeling a little more comfortable on camera, in 2021 we’re going to see video on websites in a whole new way, from personalised video messaging on key pages to on-demand video webinars. Adding video to your website is also great for SEO benefits!


Just look at the likes of Apple. Their products and website are all designed around the shape of an apple and they’ve gone global. Many websites are now opting for a minimalistic design which focuses on the products or services rather than flashy visuals. That’s why the reintroduction of shapes 

Similar to our website, we’ve utilised a minimalistic design and the concept of shapes to provide a nice visual that holds our brand colours but doesn’t distract from the important information on the page.

3D design visuals

Websites from 2021 onwards are likely to be one extreme or the other. Where many websites will opt for a minimalistic approach, there will be a large number of them who choose to push their website design further by implementing 3D images.

3D images help to immerse you into the screen. Similar to when we watch a 3D film at the cinema, it’s an experience like no other and immediately grabs your attention. Adopting this approach could be what sets you apart from your competitors because it tells potential customers you’re a forward-thinking company.