As a marketer, there are so many benefits to using HubSpot social tools, such as building and publishing social campaigns across a range of platforms, monitoring and analysing posts and performance. Being able to schedule posts in advance has a great advantage and can boost organisation, productivity and time management. Instead of having to log in and out of a range of platforms, you can instead reach all of your accounts in one handy location, providing visibility with ease and allowing you to focus effectively on campaigns.
However, not only are there benefits to the marketing department, but also to the sales team too. The HubSpot social tools are a great way to align both the sales and marketing teams, helping to boost overall output. Keep reading to find out how to get started with sales on HubSpot social tools.
Managing social posts
On HubSpot, there is a manage tab, whereby the marketing team can create and schedule posts. You will be able to clearly see what posts have been posted, along with the ones that are scheduled and the ones in the draft. There is a setting to filter through posts and different platforms. The sales team can also take advantage of this feature, connecting relevant social accounts so that they can schedule sales-related posts, therefore freeing up time to take calls, rather than chasing up the marketing team to check sales posts have been scheduled, ensuring full visibility, as well as being able to post content themselves.
Monitoring social posts
Monitoring posts and streams can be very valuable if used correctly, especially the use of Twitter. These personalised streams are great for seeing tailored interactions and posts in real time. In terms of Twitter, there are two ways to create a HubSpot stream. Firstly, a stream from either a keyword or hashtag, allowing you to view all tweets related to these. This is great for the sales team to use because it provides them with a pool of users that are interacting and tweeting about a certain topic, for example an event. This can also help to tailor a sales message. You can also be notified when tweets are posted, you can hide tweets and also edit any required keywords through the advanced settings.
The second method is to create a Twitter stream through a Twitter list, don't forget to ensure this is set to private, so not everyone can see it. This will then show up in HubSpot, where you can then create a stream. As a salesperson, this is a great way to control all of your prospecting efforts, as well as monitor them. Helping to stay ahead of the competition and increase leads.
Analysis with social tools
Having a tool to help with analysing social posts is a great benefit for all teams, helping to track what is and isn't working. In the analysis tab, you will be able to find the tools for analytics and reporting, along with key metrics and a place to set goals, see what is being reached and what needs improving. As a salesperson, this area is useful to see the audience you are reaching, as well as how many posts are being published. It is also possible to change the date and time frame, giving you great visibility of the range that you want to analyse. You can select the platform that you want to view, whether that be Facebook, LinkedIn etc. You can also compare date ranges so that you can see how the campaigns are performing from for example month to month.
Not only that, but in the analytics section you can also see your top-performing posts. Therefore, you can ensure that going forward you continue to post engaging and valuable social content. Aligning both marketing and sales can effectively be done through HubSpot social tools. Take advantage of this tool to boost your sales, leads and engagement.
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